Tuesday, November 20, 2007


One More Drop, as it clearly says it, is design to enhance the pleasure of dancing and tripping together. Focusing on a more balance mix of energies to reach both the mental and physical state of psychedelic trance, ONE More Drop is design to tell you a strong story and make you dance!
With a strong spine from Japan with Nabi recs. friend Noise Gust (japan), they selected tracks wich represent their very personnal understanding of fun and pleasure in the night time. This new release is introducing new projects such as Neo Vox and Cannibal BBQ (both from the Brazilian underground) with real dynamical music associates with a nice twisted touch, Mondo (japan), almost unknown outside of Japan, even so he is among the cornerstone of trance in Japan. Nabi recs. is very happy to welcome Noise Gust's good friend on board their crazy ship! Last but not least, from Japan Yassagura Pan Nakotta project (Savage Scream and Shineko San). Previousely releases on R.M.R, this second release confirms the strong artistic personnality of this project. Their friend Strezz is joining last minute with a strong track full of power. To complete this compilation, Kalialaskov AS and Psilogos brought in a quite twisted flavor from Israel, where another drop definitely does not seems to much!!!!!!!!


01. Neo Vox - Ultra Coma Rmx [07:06]
02. Kalilaskov As - Lsd From The Other Side [06:26]

03. Noise Gust - Sliceman [07:41]

04. Noise Gust - Berserk Eye [07:39]

05. Noise Gust - Burglar [07:16]

06. Mondo Vs Noise Gust - Full Moon [07:30]

07. Strezz - Electrical Impulse [06:54]

08. Cannibal Barbecue - Wait Until She Cums [07:56]

09. Psilogos - The Descent Remix [07:38]
10. Yasagure Pan Nakotta - Loneliness [08:47]




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